(Bigeye trevally)
Marine; freshwater; brackish; reef-associated; amphidromous; depth range 0 - 146 m . Tropical; 26°C - 29°C; 32°N - 36°S, 25°E - 77°W
Maturity: Lm 42.0 range ? - ? cm Max length : 120 cm TL male/unsexed; ; common length : 60.0 cm FL male/unsexed; ; max. published weight: 18.0 kg
Dorsal spines (total): 9; Dorsal soft rays (total): 19 - 22; Anal spines: 3; Anal soft rays: 14 - 17; Vertebrae: 25. This species is distinguished by the following characters: dorsal profile moderately convex anteriorly; adipose eyelid well developed, moderate anteriorly, posterior eyelid extends onto eye to rear border of pupil; gill rakers (including rudiments) 6-8 + 15-19 = 21-25; straight part of lateral line with 0-3 anterior scales followed by 27-36 strong, dark scutes; breast completely scaly; vertebrae 10+15; upper jaw with outer row of strong canines widely spaced in adults, and an inner band of small villiform teeth, widest at symphysis; on lower limb of first gill arch jaw with a single row of strong conical teeth widely spaced in adults. Colour in life with adults' head and body silvery olive to iridescent blue-green above, silvery olive to whitish below; small blackish spot, much smaller than pupil diameter, at upper angle of opercle (this spot evident on specimens of about 14 cm fork length); second dorsal fin olive to blackish, the lobe with a white tip (white tip becomes more obvious with increasing size) .
Full article at FishBaseLeast Concern (LC); Date assessed:13 December 2018 (FishBase)
Please contact: Maybelle Fortaleza (University of the Philippines Mindanao) via email: "mafortaleza@up.edu.ph"