Sphyraena obtusata | University of the Philippines Mindanao FishDive Project | Marine Biodiversity Database Project
Sphyraena obtusata (Cuvier, 1829)
  • Classification
  • Kingdom » Animalia
  • Phylum » Chordata
  • Class » Osteichthyes
  • Order » Carangiformes
  • Family » Sphyraenidae
  • Genus » Sphyraena
  • Species » obtusata
  • Sphyraena obtusata (Cuvier, 1829)
    (Obtuse barracuda)
  • Description »   (Wikipedia) The obtuse barracuda, Sphyraena obtusata, a barracuda of the family Sphyraenidae, is found in tropical oceans around the world. Its length is up to 55 cm.[citation needed]
    Full article at Wikipedia
  • Local Name »  
  • Locality/Distribution »   [General Santos City]
  • Collectors/Field Observers »   MA Fortaleza, JJ Lanutan
  • Species ID by »   Maybelle A. Fortaleza
  • Institution/Project »   University of the Philippines Mindanao FishDive Project
  • Collection Code »   FDP_SGES_2208_060_A
  • Cite this page as: Nañola CL, MA Fortaleza, JJ Lanutan, and KL Labrador. 2023. Unpublished data on marine fishes of Sarangani Bay.
  • IUCN Conservation Status »   Visit IUCN
    Not Evaluated (FishBase)
  • Sample Availability and Preservation »   Tissue preserved in 95% ETOH; whole fish specimen fixed in formalin
  • GenBank Accession Number »   N/A
  • Curated by »   Maybelle Fortaleza
  • Last Updated »   Sept. 7, 2023, 4:20 p.m.
  • Cite this page as: Nañola CL, MA Fortaleza, JJ Lanutan, and KL Labrador. 2023. Unpublished data on marine fishes of Sarangani Bay.
  • DNA Sequence »

    Please contact: Maybelle Fortaleza (University of the Philippines Mindanao) via email: "mafortaleza@up.edu.ph"